The following use conditions apply to this net use
You are responsible of your behaviour as well as responsible of the contents you upload to this portal and responsible of these terms performance. When registering with us or with the use or surfing the Web you recognize you have read, understood and accepted that you are obliged by these terms:
FEJIDIF gives you the right to visualize, download and print this Web content.
FEJIDIF will not be responsible of the mistakes which may be produced in the communications, and it does not compromise the transmission Net to be always operatrive.
FEJIDIF will not reply in case a third party, breaking the security measures established by FEJIDIF, get access to the messages or use them to send computer viruses.
FEJIDIF guarantees neither the contents legality and usefulness, nor their veracity or exactness.
FEJIDIF neither controls nor guarantees the lack of computer viruses in those services provided by third parties through the portal which can produce alterations in the computer system (software and hardware) or in the documents and electronic files stored in the computer system. The linking devices the portal make available to all the users try to facilitate their available in formation in internet search.
FEJIDIF neither offers nor commercializes the available products and services in all the linked places o nor accept any responsibility. Rules and conditions related to images, videos and sound files upload. Puedo Viajar does not claim the photos, videos or files published in our Web property, affiliation or consent. The user assumes this contents veracity and FEJIDIF is not responsible of their authenticity.
You must consider that you grant to FEJIDIF the right to use, to copy and to use them with other aim and to show these contents loading these files.
We will not publish the photos which do not comply with any of these criteria:
- Familiar, amicable images. We will not accept photographs, images or raunchy multimedia material, pornographic, obscene, blasphemous, illegal, disgusting, insulting, disgusting, reprehensible or content which is not familiar and amicable.
- Originals. We will not admit images from other sources or without their owners' consent or material published in other media. We will not admit images infringing the right to reproduction, the trade right or any other legal property right.
- To respect privacy. We will not admit images, videos or files containing interfering contents with people's privacy right.
- Relevant for travellers. We are not a forum of political, ethical or religious opinions. We won't publish photographs, images or material which is not related to accommodations, attractions, restaurants, locations or trips general experiences.
- With no marketing aims. Logos, titles, trades, promotional material or any other content with commercial gains.
- Sure Files. Polluted or infected by viruses files or with any other kind of deliberated corruption or ablr to damage computers and Puedo Viajar's systems will not be admitted.
- Files features. Any file containing just one photograph cannot outrange 4MB. Sent photographs must be in .gif, .jpg, .bmp format. Those photographs which do not fulfil these requirements will be declined as soon as they are received.
Rules and conditions related to comments and opinions uploading
Users must consider comments sent here are individual and objective opinions. Those expressed opinions belong to Puedo Viajar's users and not to Puedo viajar. We support neither those opinions nor we are affiliated nor we share the establishment's profits or enterprise which appear in Puedo Viajar portal or in critics to this website. All opinions and comments sent by this portal users must fulfil the following directives. FEJIDIF reserves the right to erase or not to publish those comments which do not fulfil the following conditions:
- Correction on opinions and comments. Blasphemy absence, threats, comments proving prejudices, enmity incitement, violence, discrimination, racism... and any content not made with friendly and constructive tone.
- Original. Opinions and comments can only contain original material and not copied from other sources.
- Individual and from personal experience. Critics must base on writers' personal experiences. Critics written by owners, managers and workers supplanting guests will not be admitted. We will neither admit information chased up individually, nor with rumours, other sources quotations or supposed opinions or other people's experiences.
- Critics not written on base to the owners' incentives or enterprises' managers being thought. Any enterprise offering incentives in exchange of critics will be deleted from Puedo Viajar portal.
- Relevant for passengers. We are not a general opinions about actuality forum or about political, ethical or religious matters. In those comments and opinions we will publish neither questions nor comments directed to any store or enterprise's representative as well as questions or comments directed to, or about Puedo Viajar's staff.
- With no commercial gain. In those comments we will not accept promotional material.
- Sent using a valid email address. Please, do not use false email addresses. We will contact you if we have any problem with the comment.